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Robyn Bach Cooks: Carrot Frisbee Fritters with Peanut Butter Satay Sauce.

Robyn Bach Cooks: Carrot Frisbee Fritters with Peanut Butter Satay Sauce.

This is a team effort, with Big Cook on sauté duty, and Bach Cook busy forming fritters.

I’ve written this recipe to combine the sweetness of carrots, with a delicious dipping sauce made from peanut butter, fresh lime and dark brown sugar.

Super easy to whip up, and great for lunch or a teatime snack. The dipping sauce keeps in the fridge for up to three days.


6 carrots, peeled and grated

1 tbsp of flour

A good handful of fresh coriander, basil or flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

2 tbsp of ground linseed

Juice of ½ lime

Salt to taste

Sunflower oil to sauté

For the satay sauce

3 tbsp peanut butter, (I used smooth, but crunchy would be great for texture – your choice!)

1 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbps lime juice

2 tsp brown sugar

2 tsp chilli garlic sauce

1 tbsp fresh ginger, finely chopped.


First, prepare your satay source. Combine all the ingredients into a large bowl, with 2 tbsp cold water. Whisk to combine. Add a little more water if needed, to get a dipping consistency. The quantity will depend on the thickness of your peanut butter.  Set to one side, whilst you make the fritters.

In a large bowl, combine the grated carrots, fresh herbs, linseed, flour, lime juice and salt.

Using your clean hands, mix really well together. Pat together small balls, and flatten between your hands to make fritter shapes. Place on a large plate as you work. This mix will yield around 10 fritters.

When the fritters are shaped, prepare a large plate with a sheet of kitchen towel.

Ask your Big Cook to heat 3-4 tbsp sunflower oil in a shallow frying pan until hot. Drop in a small piece of grated carrot and listen for the sizzle. This way you know that the oil is good and hot. Stand back, whilst Big Cook carefully sautés the fritters for a few minutes.

Quickly turn, and sauté again, until golden, no more than two minutes or so. Place the cooked fritters onto the plate lined with kitchen roll.  Cook in batches of four or five fritters, so not to over crowd the pan, (this would cause the oil temperature to drop, which means soggy fritters.)

Eat whilst hot, dressed with the delicious satay sauce. Crisp leaves of little gem lettuce are good on the side, to mop up excess satay.



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