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Pulling through..

Pulling through..

Hey, how are you?
Walking with friends recently, we got to really ask each other that question. How are you? How have these past six months been for you?
We talked about the confusion, the worry and yes, the fear. One friend described how her first trip to the supermarket ended with her sobbing in the car. And I thought, omg - that happened to me too. The stress, the fear, the unfamiliarity in such an every day setting during those early days, was overwhelming.
We all felt it. And we carried on. Carried on caring for our loved ones, taking care of our communities and simply showing up. Every day.
I’ve learnt the power of small rituals - that regular dog walk, a good meal on the table, getting my thoughts down on paper each morning - these things got me through.
But above everything, it’s been the strength of community - both on my doorstep in Cardigan and here - on the Gram. Connecting with all you amazing folk as you dig deep into your creative spaces and draw strength.
Cookbooks written, gardens planted, videos filmed to just walk us through your day.
Honestly, truly, we got through this together.
So, how are you and what have you drawn strength from over these past six months?
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